Restoring the White House
Mrs. Kennedy soon set about making the White House into a real
home for her family. She turned the sun porch on the third floor into a
kindergarten school for Caroline and 12 to 15 other children, who came
every morning at 9:30. There was also a swimming pool, a swing set, and a
tree house on the White House lawn for Caroline and John Jr. 

Kennedy also thought about what the White House represented to its many
visitors and to citizens everywhere. She wanted people to have a
greater appreciation of the history of America's most famous residence
and its past inhabitants. Her first major project as first lady was to
restore and preserve the White House. She enlisted the aid of many
experts, established a White House Fine Arts Committee, and created the
post of White House curator. Gathering outstanding examples of American
art and furniture from around the United States (including many items
that had belonged to former presidents and their families), she restored
all the public rooms in the White House. CBS Television asked Mrs.
Kennedy to present a televised tour of the newly restored White House.
Eighty million Americans watched the broadcast, and it earned Jacqueline
Kennedy an honorary Emmy Award.
A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy - Feb. 14, 1962 (1 & 2 of 6)
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