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[The Kennedy Detail] - C-SPAN Video Library
An agent looks on as John McCain concedes the presidency to Barack Obama in Phoenix. Christopher Morris / VII for TIME
Abraham Lincoln left to Barack Obama not only an example to emulate but also the sentinels who will safeguard his life. In 1865, on the very day he was assassinated at Ford's Theatre, Lincoln green-lighted what would become the U.S. Secret Service, which has been guarding Obama (code-named "Renegade") since May 2007--longer than any other presidential candidate in U.S. history.
The agency's mission has evolved dramatically since its inception under the Treasury Dept. While today more than 3,200 Secret Service members stand ready to sacrifice their lives for the safety of the leader of the free world, the agency's job originally was to stamp out counterfeiting in an era when one out of every three bills in circulation was fake. Though the Secret Service was tasked with guarding President Grover Cleveland's family in the 1890s, presidential security became a formal objective only after the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. It wasn't until 1951--after a failed attempt on President Harry Truman's life--that Congress codified the agency's permanent protection of the First Family. Its duties also now include candidates for high office and visiting dignitaries. (See the Top 10 secret service code names.)
Scanning crowds while the President walks a rope line is a given. But agents have also had to respond to unique security challenges--from rigging traffic lights while Truman strolled through Washington to shielding President Jimmy Carter's daughter, Amy, from a charging elephant at a pet show on Ethel Kennedy's Virginia estate. While the demeanor (sunglasses, earpieces, constant vigilance) and the danger are what captivate the public, monitoring for fiscal malfeasance is still half the job. In August, the Secret Service helped crack what was heralded as the largest identity-theft ring in U.S. history.
| Blaine, GeraldMember of JFK's Secret Service Detail
Gerald Blaine had the privilege of serving three U.S. presidents as a Special Agent of the Secret Service on the White House detail. For the first time in his book, The Kennedy Detail: JFK’s Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence, the true story of the events leading up to and following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, from the perspective of the Secret Service agents who were there is revealed.
In The Kennedy Detail, Blaine – one of the thirty-four men in Kennedy’s detail – sets history straight on what really happened that afternoon, as well as in the months leading up to and following the assassination. His account includes contributions from most of the Secret Service agents who were on the Kennedy Detail, and draws upon their daily reports, expense accounts, personal notes, and verbal first-hand accounts. A close-knit brotherhood of agents who collectively suppressed the trauma of that day, the sharing of this story has helped heal their wounds of failure and guilt.
Clint Hill, the agent who jumped on the back of the car after the shooting and pushed Jackie down into the back seat, has not contributed to any books on the assassination, until now. As Hill writes in the Foreword, “I don’t talk to anybody about that day…It is only because of my complete faith and trust that Jerry Blaine would tell our story with dignity and unwavering honesty that I agreed to be involved.”
While The Kennedy Detail adds another volume to one of the most prolifically discussed aspects of our country’s history – between the conspiracy theories and countless revisionist histories – it is the only authoritative account of the events of that day from the men, like Clint Hill, who were there to guard the president’s life. With access to information from this privy vantage point, Blaine is able to disclose a variety of behind-the-scenes stories related to the assassination.
As Blaine writes, “Every man on the Kennedy Detail would re-live those six seconds in Dallas a million times over. For the rest of their lives, they would be defined by the assassination of JFK, questioned and blamed for failing to achieve the impossible.”
After serving for five years with the Secret Service, Blaine resigned following the assassination and later became the Director of Security for the IBM Corporation, and worked there for 27 years. He was then employed by ARCO International oil company and as the Director of Security and Foreign affairs. He has traveled to every country in the world and is very familiar with the issues of the Middle East, former Soviet Union, China, Africa, Asia, terrorism, and international trade and global issues.
Blaine is an experienced speaker and has appeared before audiences of thousands. He has addressed the International Association of chiefs of Police, International Security Managers association, and various other security associations. In his capacity as an Industry Marketing Consultant for IBM, he spoke to many customer executive groups from the law enforcement, Intelligence and judicial community. He retired in 2003 and now lives in Colorado with his wife of more than fifty years.
Secret Service agents trail U.S. President Barack Obama (3rd R) and his family - wife Michelle (4th R) and daughters Malia (2nd R) and Sasha (R) - as they walk home after a Sunday morning worship service in Washington
by Sam Sanders
Charles L. Gittens, the first African American agent in the Secret Service and the former head of the agency’s Washington field office, died July 27 at an assisted living center in Mitchellville after a heart attack. He was 82.
An Army veteran, Mr. Gittens joined the Secret Service in 1956 and was soon posted to its New York field office, where he was part of an elite “special detail” that targeted counterfeiters and other criminals across the country.
(COURTESY OF U.S. SECRET SERVICE) - Charles L. Gittens, who joined the Secret Service in 1956, served as head of the agency’s Washington field office.
Mr. Gittens would go on to protect presidents and became a well-respected supervisor.
“He was a great agent,” said Mark Sullivan, director of the Secret Service. “When you talk to people who worked with him, the one thing I hear is that he was just a regular guy. . . . A lot of agents, black and white, have benefited from the things he has done. He led by example, and he set the standards for all of us to follow.”
Charles LeRoy Gittens was born Aug. 31, 1928, in Cambridge, Mass. He left high school to join the Army, where he rose to the rank of lieutenant and was posted in Japan during the Korean War.
He obtained a GED while in the military and, after his discharge, received a bachelor’s degree from what is now North Carolina Central University.
In the 1950s, while teaching at a high school in North Carolina, Mr. Gittens was encouraged by friends to apply for a job in federal law enforcement. After taking a civil service test, he was recruited by the Secret Service.
However, he almost never became an agent because he failed an oral entrance exam, according to a 1974 story in Ebony magazine.
“Can you imagine such a thing?” Mr. Gittens told Ebony. “The guy in charge had scribbled things down like, ‘speaks incoherently’ or ‘can’t be understood.’ Now a Boston accent is a pretty strange thing in Atlanta, Georgia — that much I can assure you. But that was really too much.”
Mr. Gittens implied that the real reason may have been racism. He was then given another test and passed.
Though Mr. Gittens told friends he never felt discrimination from other agents or supervisors, he still faced it on the job. While guarding President Lyndon B. Johnson on a trip to Dallas, he and other agents entered a restaurant, and its manager initially refused to serve him because he was black, according to the Ebony story.
“The other guys were a lot angrier than I was,” Mr. Gittens told the magazine. “But the manager came out and apologized profusely. And we eventually got served.”
Mr. Gittens protected other presidents and stood just a few steps from John F. Kennedy at New York’s Madison Square Garden in 1962 when Marilyn Monroe serenaded him with a sultry version of “Happy Birthday.”
In 1971, Mr. Gittens was appointed special agent in charge of the Washington field office, a prestigious posting in which he supervised about 120 agents. Mr. Gittens — a founding member of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives — also was tasked in the 1970s by the Secret Service with helping to boost the recruitment of minority and female agents. The Service now has 3,525 agents, of whom 299 are black.
After retiring in 1979, he joined the Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations and became deputy director of the criminal division.
His first marriage, of 28 years, to Ruth Hamme ended in divorce. His 10-year marriage to Maureen Petersen also ended in divorce. Survivors include a daughter from his first marriage, Sharon Quick of Washington, and two stepdaughters. .
Mr. Gittens settled in the Washington area in 1971 and moved last year from Fort Washington to Collington Episcopal Life Care Community in Mitchellville.
Although regarded as a Secret Service trailblazer, Mr. Gittens earned respect from agents by hitting the streets. In the mid-1970s, he was monitoring a counterfeiting bust when the suspect suddenly bolted. Mr. Gittens dashed after the man and tackled him, said Ike Hendershot, a retired agent.
“When the other agents finally caught up,” Hendershot said, “they were out of breath.”
It has taken 47 years, but this anniversary month of the assassination of President Kennedy brings readers The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence, the first book on the assassination written by a member of Kennedy's secret service detail. Gerald Blaine, one of 34 members of the White House Secret Service Detail, was on the Texas trip, but not on the Dallas stop. His book is about the fatal trip to Texas from the perspective of the agents who were there to protect him. Veteran LJ reviewer Karl Helicher interviewed the author.—Margaret Heilbrun
Why did you wait almost half a century to write this book?
I left the Secret Service in July 1964 after serving five years on the White House Detail. After the assassination, I felt it was time for a change and went into the private sector. I maintained the code of silence throughout my career with IBM, ARCO International, and Hill and Associates, a security firm out of Hong Kong.
When I retired, there was one issue that I could not resolve in my mind and in my emotions: that was President Kennedy's assassination. I started reading the various entries on the Internet and reading assassination conspiracy books. As I did, I could not believe how conspiracy had turned into a cottage industry that had developed theories that ranged from implausible to outright lies. Like every agent, I had saved my advance reports, daily reports, expense vouchers, and investigations. I immediately started contacting agents.
What incensed me most was the fact that the theories would be accepted as historic fact and that some of the theories accused agents of being members of a conspiracy, being incompetent and, in a couple of cases, accused agents of shooting the President. This was no longer an attack on the Secret Service as an institution; this was slander toward individual agents who were no longer alive to defend themselves. The agents on the Kennedy Detail agreed that it was time to reveal the background based on fact.
How many of the 34 agents of the Kennedy Detail were you able to contact? And were they supportive?
The support was overwhelming. I contacted 70 agents or descendants of agents who were deceased who had served President Kennedy during his administration. I had a 90 percent response from those who have survived and the widows or children of deceased agents. Three agents were not contacted. These were agents who had responded to Seymour Hirsch's book The Dark Side of Camelot, which violated the code of silence. In the months following the assassination, I had discussed some of the official inquiry aspects with some of the agents. Plus, there were many memorandums and statements that were required, but never did any agent discuss the emotional aspects until this book was written. Three agents still cannot discuss the emotional aspects of that day in Dallas. I have not been able to contact three other agents who served.
Unfortunately, the men who served on the Kennedy Detail are getting fewer and fewer. Just this week I learned that another agent who had contributed to the book, Dick Johnsen, had passed away. I realized that if we didn't tell our story now, it would be lost forever. It was the last opportunity we had to present the facts according to the people who lived it, so that we can provide a balance to the alleged 81 percent of young Americans, 18 to 29, who, according to USA Today, believe in a conspiracy.
So much of the information revealed will be new to the reader because it tells how the agents experienced the JFK assassination. Would you please describe how the agents broke the news to John and Caroline Kennedy? Would you also comment on how close Agent Clint Hill became with Jackie Kennedy, whom he was responsible for protecting?
The agents did not inform the children. No one is sure whether it was Maude Shaw, their nanny; Mrs. Kennedy; or her mother, Mrs. Auchincloss, who was living in Washington, DC, at the time. The children's agents-Bob Foster, Lynn Meredith, and Tom Wells-filled the emotional response with support and concern.
Special Agent Bob Foster took John-John into an ante room when he became restless at the Capitol Rotunda during Mrs. Kennedy's appearance at the public viewing. Special Agent Tom Wells, standing near the door, heard John-John ask what happened to his daddy. He saw Bob kneel down to where he was face to face with John-John. Tom did not hear his response, and Bob Foster has passed on without revealing his response.
Clint always addressed the President's wife as Mrs. Kennedy, and she responded by addressing him as Mr. Hill, but they were very dependent on each other. Clint became a sounding board for Mrs. Kennedy in trying to resolve staff issues or in explaining agendas. Her appreciation of Clint and the children's agents was demonstrated when she requested of the treasury secretary that the agents remain with her and the children for the year after the assassination. The year became a very emotional one. Not only were the agents unable to deal with their own emotional trauma from the assassination, but they lived the year mourning with the Kennedy family.
You conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman who fired all three shots. Are you as convinced that Oswald was not part of a conspiracy to murder the President?
Yes, and that is the consensus of the other agents. Lee Harvey Oswald fit the profile of a potential assassin to a tee. In his youth he was troubled, and it was determined that he had psychotic tendencies. There was no stability in his family life, and his entire adult life, filled with upheaval, and frustration, drove him to a dying need for recognition. Just before the assassination, he used the same rifle to try and shoot Gen. Edwin Walker, a right-wing group leader, through a window as the general worked at his desk. One of the sociopathic symptoms was that Oswald could not carry on a conversation with anyone without demonstrating hostility or being provoking. That is not the type of individual who can work with accomplices. All of these facts were confirmed by his widow to the agents who protected her for the months following the assassination.
The fact that not one other theory has been proven in the past 47 years is good evidence that there was no one else involved. Criminal investigators know that conspiracies usually unfold in due time, sooner rather than later, for many reasons. That time frame has long passed.
What emotions did you experience as you wrote and completed the book?
I experienced the same emotions as every agent who served with President Kennedy. Virtually every agent , including myself, carried the emotional impact of failure, guilt, and shame. This included agents, like me, who were not in Dallas. I was supposed to go to Dallas to assist Win Lawson, who was responsible for the advance, but by a set of circumstances, I rejoined my regular shift. After the assassination, no agent ever discussed the emotional impact that the event had on them. We remained silent and continued with our lives.
Writing the book felt like an emotional roller coaster for me. I was almost panicked that the story would not be told. The families of the deceased described the torment their loved ones felt over the assassination and were happy I was delivering their message. I was not alone. Then in one telephone call it was suggested that we have a reunion. This reunion was filmed for the Discovery Channel. It was an emotional outpouring that resulted in healing something that had been festering for 47 years. We, the members of the Kennedy Detail, never lost contact with one another. I am the sole surviving charter member of the Former Agents Association of the United States Secret Service and a past president of the organization. The organization, which was founded by members of the Kennedy Detail, now has 2500 members.
Could you recommend a book that you are reading now? It doesn't have to be about the assassination.
The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking is on my bed stand. The next three months will be a challenge to complete it, but my curiosity usually wins out.
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