Dear Mr. Blaine,
My name is Wendy Ward Eaton and I am compelled to write to you as I read your book, The Kennedy Detail. I have barely been able to put it down since I started it! It brings back so many memories of my childhood and days spent in Washington, DC.
My father, Samuel W. Ward, Chief Gunner's Mate, was in the Coast Guard and we were stationed in Washington from 1956-1959. He worked in the "pistol range" in the basement of the treasury building. I have fond memories of visiting him at work and was always comfortable being around the firearms and ammunition. When friends would ask me what my Dad did, I would tell them "he teaches secret service agents how to shoot"! I have quite a few pictures of him in the range, and have attached one for you to see ( he is sitting in the picture). There is no identification as to who the other man is. I have also attached a newspaper clipping that I have. I do know that he loved his job there and was very well respected. I have an autograph book that he kept during that time which has signatures from people who visited or who came for training from all over the world!
Dad passed away in 1982, so I cherish all of those wonderful memories that I have of him. I would be very anxious to hear if you have any recollection or memory of him, or would know of anyone else who would.
Congratulations to you on the success of your book and I will look forward to the movie coming out this year based on your book.
You can bet I'll be in the front row!
Kind regards,
Wendy Ward Eaton
Stewartstown, PA 17363
These photos are copyrighted and the property of Wendy Ward Eaton. May not be used without permission.
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